Types of Brain Tumors in Dogs

types of brain tumors in dogs
types of brain tumors in dogs via honestpaws.com

From the letters that we get I understand that one of the side effects that that people sometimes deal with when their dog has cancer is vomiting as dogs with sick valleys I would

like to ask either you dr. dress for you dr. Ettinger your thoughts on dark better vomiting

when they have cancer and what you can do about it I can start on this one I think vomiting

is something that you see as a result of the cancer itself just due to the toxins that are released
from it so sometimes patients will present with vomiting as one of their symptoms and then

also some of the treatments specifically chemotherapy can cause vomiting in some patients

as well because the chemotherapy drugs attack the intestinal tract which can cause vomiting

or it can actually trigger it through some brain receptors as well but luckily there are some

really good medications on the market some of them are specifically for dogs and some of

 them are human medications and they're relatively inexpensive and they can be you know

started once a patient has vomiting as a result of treatment or in some drugs we now know

like if your dog is getting adriamycin which is also called doxorubicin there's a great new study

 that shows that starting the nausea meds with treatment for four days after treatment will

decrease the incidence of vomiting associated with that dr. Dressler your your thoughts

 absolutely it is common unfortunately I and the pharmaceutical side we've got medications

like mirtazapine or metoclopramide and these are pharmaceutical ways of decreasing the

 nausea many times will rest the tummy by limiting the intake of food and water and then

often for a few days will start the patient on what's called a bland diet or highly digestible diet

which has a little bit of white rice a little bit of non-fat cottage cheese perhaps a little bit of

white meat chicken it's kind of like how you give babies bananas rice applesauce and toast for

 humans and dogs that's the equivalent okay makes sense is it is there how do you know when

there's too much vomit in other words your dog is really really sick and you want to you know

talk to you about about that I usually tell owners if it's one or two episodes of vomiting within

 the first couple days after chemotherapy it's usually not a big deal I agree with dr. Dressler

that you want to rest the intestinal tract if there's some vomiting a lot of people get really

 anxious and they try to feed their pets through it which usually just exacerbates the problem

but if there's you know four or five six episodes within 12 to 24 hours that pets going to get

dehydrated and is really going to benefit from coming into the hospital and getting

intravenous fluids and injectable anti-nausea meds so that would be a good time to you know

bring your pet into the hospital okay great well dr. Ettinger in New York dr. Dressler in Hawaii

thank you so much a lot more information is available in the dog cancer survival guide you. Next Type of Bone Cancer

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source: youtube.com

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