Type of Brain Cancer

type of brain cancer
type of brain cancer via medikoe.com

So we'll talk about brain tumors but before we talk about how you know you have a brain

tumor or how you might suspect you have a brain tumor or cancer  just for a frame of

reference brain tumors are considered in one of three categories either they are tumors that

 came from someplace else in the body to the brain that's called a metastatic tumor or are

there termas that grow up in the head and push on the brain but don't actually invade the brain these are called extra axial tumors and examples of those type of tumors would be

meningioma as acoustic neuromas pituitary tumors they're in the head but they're not really

brain tumors per se the real brain tumors are tumors that begin in the brain and these are

called primary brain tumors and most of them are called glioma as they arise from the

 supporting elements of the brain as opposed to the neurons of the brain because the brain

really has two types of cells neurons and supporting elements the supporting elements by far

are more numerous than the neurons but they're both very very important so there are a

 variety of terms that begin with the supporting elements depending on which type of

elements it is so we have astrocytomas we have ependymomas we have oligodendroglioma x'

 etc etc etc what they all have in common is number one they're all within the brain itself and

 number two they are graded one two three and four with for being a very aggressive tumor

and one being a very benign tumor so just because you have a brain tumor even if it is a

 primary brain tumor it's not a kiss of death it's not a death sentence it's nothing it's just

something that has to be dealt with now having said all that we're going to talk about a very

 malignant type of brain tumor today a very aggressive type of brain tumor which is the grade

 4 glioma otherwise called a glioblastoma this is the kind of tumor that Kennedy has that so

other people have had the prognosis with a glioma is very very serious not too many people

live beyond two years new treatments are expanding that longevity two maybe three years or

 four years and for some people they live 20-30 years that's rare but it happens and we now

feel that the major treatments for malignant aggressive glioma would be surgically bulking if

 possible and that wonder whether it's possible and not depends on its location so if it's in a

silent area of the brain then it's fairly easy to remove it it's in a very difficult or eloquent area

of the brain then sometimes the most we can do is a biopsy so the the surgery is to remove as

 much tumor as possible or at least establish the diagnosis then radiation therapy and again

we're talking about two types of radiation therapy we're talking about conventional

 fractionated radiation therapy which means a treatment every day of a week for five or six

weeks and we're talking about focused radiation therapy which could be something like

stereotactic radiosurgery or it could be imrt at any rate the idea here is to confine the

 radiation more closely to the tumor the conventional fractionated covers a much larger area

hoping to get those feelers or tentacles of the termer which extended to the normal brain and

 which caused the recurrence of the tumor and result in the very limited life expectancy in

many cases and then we have chemotherapy and there are a variety of chemo therapies

always being tested what that really means is that no one of them is perfect but the most

 popular one right now is Temodar and recently an article came out showing the efficacy of

Temodar over most of the other chemo therapeutic agents so right now I would say the

 Temodar Tammuz Olamide is considered the number one chemo for malignant brain tumors if

you fail the Temodar than other types of chemotherapy can be tried but Temodar is really the bottom line. Next posts Worst Type of Brain Cancer

worst types of brain cancer, types of benign brain tumors, how many different types of brain tumors are there, what is a glioblastoma brain tumor?, what are the different types of tumors?, brain cancer symptoms, astrocytoma brain tumor, brain cancer survival rate
source: youtube.com

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