What Type of Lung Cancer is Caused by Asbestos?
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
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lung cancer is caused by asbestos via thinkearth.wordpress.com |
Of the lethal diseases asbestos exposure can cause mesothelioma which is a cancer of the
pleura or membrane surrounding the lungs is probably the most commonly known yet asbestos
can also cause lung cancer such as bronchogenic carcinoma or Edna carcinoma a cancer of the lung tissue itself diagnosing any asbestos-related disease is challenging symptoms develop
gradually are not specific and can mimic other conditions or diseases even when the physician
is aware of asbestos exposure or the patient has a history of asbestosis which leads to asbestos
lung cancer in approximately one out of every seven cases the diagnosis must rule out other
possibilities a thorough and accurate medical history is always the first step documenting
medical conditions work history and family medical history and taking into consideration
cultural and environmental factors a general physical exam follows including listening with a stethoscope for labored breathing wheezing or fluid in the lungs sometimes laboratory tests
such as a complete blood count may be ordered when a physician suspects a lung condition he
will usually prescribe a pulmonary function test and chest x-ray a pulmonary function test
which measures lung function shows if the patient's breathing ability is what would be
considered normal for a person of the patient's age physical condition and ethnic background
the chest x-ray detects lung abnormalities including pleural thickening or scarring effusions or
excessive liquid and lesions fabric growth once the presence of any of these lung abnormalities
is established any of the following tests may be required to determine if asbestos lung cancer is
present how far it has progressed and what treatments are indicated often several are used in
conjunction to provide a complete picture sputum cytology which analyzes the patient's Flum
may be requested as this test is very straightforward and deceptively simple its importance in
cancer diagnosis may be overlooked sputum cytology can detect cancer cells in their earliest
stages a computed tomography scan CT scan or cat scan is an xray that rotates around the
patient producing a three-dimensional cross-sectional image unlike the flat x-ray image an accurate assessment of the size of the abnormality can be made and differences in tissue
density can be seen you will have an injection of died before the scan to help show up
abnormalities positron emission tomography or PET scans help identify tumors and in
suspected lung cancer are most often used to complement information from PET scans the
patient receives an injection of radioactive sugar molecules which causes tissue that uses
glucose to appear brighter on the scan because tumors use more glucose or normal tissue
tumors are readily identifiable with this test although PET scans cannot distinguish between
malignant and benign tumors ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves to see the
parameters of a tumor or other abnormality it is most often used in conjunction with
endoscopic or other biopsy procedures while imaging tests like CT scans PET scans and
ultrasound provide invaluable information lung cancer asbestos-related or otherwise cannot be
diagnosed without analysis of the abnormal tissue or tumor this requires a biopsy or physical
removal of tissue for examination physicians usually prefer to make use of the least invasive
methods first resorting to more invasive if a diagnosis cannot be reached needle aspiration
biopsies use syringe needles to suck tissue and or fluid from the patient's lung or plural if a
conclusive diagnose this cannot be made from the material obtained through the use of a fine
needle or if a larger tissue sample is needed the physician may opt for a core needle biopsy
which yields a cylinder of tissue for examination when the purpose of needle aspiration is to
collect a sample of the fluid that surrounds the lungs where cancer cells can also be found the
procedure is called thoracentesis if the physician needs larger samples of tissue he may order a vacuum assisted biopsy in which suction is used to pull tissue through a hollow needle vacuum
assisted biopsies are particularly useful in cases where samples are needed from more than one
location as it can be gathered by this method without having to insert the needle more than
once often these needle type biopsies are performed with the visual guidance of imaging
technology such as ultrasound x-rays CT scan or fluoroscopy live x-ray images transmitted to a screen in a bronchoscopy and endoscopic procedure a thin flexible tube or bronchoscope
terminating with a light and camera is passed through the mouth down the windpipe and into
the lungs a bronchoscopy can be used simply to view the upper Airways and lungs but can also
obtain tissue for biopsy saline solution is introduced through the tube flushing the lungs and
collecting lung cells fluids and other material present sometimes tiny instruments like brushes
or forceps are pushed through the tube to retrieve tissue samples if imaging tests or a previous
bronchoscopy shows larger abnormalities or indicates a possible tumor the bronchoscope
views may be rigid and larger allowing larger tissue samples to be gathered similar endoscopic
biopsies may be performed like a thoracoscopy sometimes called vats or video-assisted
Related: Type of surgery on lung cancer patients
thoracoscopy entering the chest or lungs through small incisions in the chest or a
mediastinoscopy which examines the center of the chest or mediastinum in nearby lymph
nodes as a last step in final diagnosis when needle or endoscopic biopsies show the presence of
cancer cells the physician will order a surgical biopsy depending on the size of the suspicious
tissue an incisional biopsy involves removing a piece of the suspicious tissue the surgeon will
perform an excisional biopsy when the lump is small enough to be removed completely at
one time in both cases the tissue is examined to determine if it is benign or cancerous in some
cases a thoracotomy will be ordered considered major surgery a thoracotomy requires a
surgeon to open the chest and examine the lung directly removing tissue for testing and
analysis without the information provided by proper testing asbestos lung cancer cannot be
diagnosed only a biopsy and analysis of the tissue affected can conclusively determine if the
disease is present how far has progressed and provide informed treatment options thank you
for watching this video was produced by asbestos dotnet a leading resource on all aspects of
asbestos and mesothelioma our priority is to inform victims about the devastating effects of
asbestos exposure mesothelioma asbestos cancer asbestosis and other asbestos-related diseases
and to advise them with a wealth of information individuals whose lives have been touched by
mesothelioma have numerous questions and concerns their caregivers and family members
also need accurate reliable information.
asbestos lung cancer survival rate, lung cancer asbestos mesothelioma, asbestos lung cancer treatment, asbestos lung cancer symptoms, lung cancer caused by asbestos exposure, asbestos small cell lung cancer, how much asbestos exposure will cause cancer, asbestos lung cancer lawsuit
source: youtube.com