Most Common Type of Bone Cancer
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
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most common type of bone cancer via |
When prostate cancer has spread outside of the prostate we use a term in medicine that is that describes that we call it metastasis we say that the disease has metastasized sometimes we call
it a mitt so all of those M words really refer to prostate cancer that's moved outside of the
prostate into some other place places that it can go include lymph nodes oftentimes in the
the pelvic area near the prostate but the most common place for prostate cancer to spread is
actually to the bone and so when someone says that you have bone Mets or if you're
describing to someone that you have bone Mets you're saying that you have prostate cancer
tumor cells in your bones that actually look like prostate cancer under the microscope and
are from the prostate but they now are living in the bones when one thinks about metastases
particularly bone metastases because they are the most common type of spread of the
prostate cancer outside of the prostate it's really it's really reasonable to think can we
prevent that can we stop the spread of prostate cancer to the bones in order to diagnose bone
Mets or bone metastases we use specific studies and it's interesting that these studies are
actually different than the studies that we use to measure the density of your bone or to see if
your bones are thinning to determine if someone has bone metastases we use a specific scan
called a bone scan it's actually a nuclear medicine scan similar to a PET scan if anyone has
had one of those where there's a die that lights up in areas where the bone is turning over or
where there's activity with cells eating food and growing in a particular area when cancer
metastasizes or spreads to the bone it becomes a hotspot it really eats a lot of food and fuel it
grows causes a lot of activity in that area and so a bone scan will light up in an area where
there's a bone metastasis it's a very sensitive test and and one of the best for detecting bone
metastasis the other test that we sometimes use is a cat scan particularly of the abdomen
pelvis because it shows the area most likely to be involved if one has prostate cancer that it
tests not nearly as sensitive and part of that is because a cat-scan is actually imaging sections
of a person it's taking slices through a person and may miss an area where prostate cancer has
spread to the bone if it's between slices and it also just does an image bone as clearly as a bone
scan will light up it's just not as sensitive so again the tests that we use are different than the
tests for testing the density of your bone and there are usually a bone scan number one and
possibly a cat scan when an individual is diagnosed with bone metastases we continue to use
prostate cancer directed therapy so we just consider that this is progression of disease and we
make sure that whatever treatment we're using for the prostate cancer is the right one if we
need to change therapies in order to redress this continued growth than we will that's the most
important thing that we want to make sure that someone's on an effective therapy and
sometimes if one develops new bone Mets that would be indicating that the therapy is no
longer effective and we need to change treatments specifically to address the bone metastasis
and reduce the risk of complications from the spread of prostate cancer into the bone we use
medicines that strengthen the bone like bisphosphonates or zoledronic acid or Zometa most
commonly or Dena Sam AB also called X Jeeva and these medicines strengthen the bone but
they also do a very important thing they prevent something called skeletal related events
when a man has prostate cancer in his bones he's at much higher risk of developing something
called a skeletal related event these include things as you would expect like fracture but they
also include cord compression which is when the prostate cancer pushes on the spinal nerves
and makes men have weakness in their legs or in their arms numbness and tingling and
eventually if we don't address it it can cause paralysis and incontinence or the loss of the
ability to control your bowels or to control your bladder and that's a it's a side effect or a
complication of prostate cancer that we never want to have happen so that this meant these
medications prevent that or reduce the risk of that they also reduce the need for surgery to
stabilize bone or the need for radiation to treat pain in the bone from the areas of prostate
cancer in the bone so they address four things these skeletal related events fracture cord
compression and the need for surgery and radiation to bone in addition to the drugs that we
have to strengthen bones and prevent skeletal related events we also have reduced
pharmaceuticals radio pharmaceuticals are a way to reduce pain from bone metastasis and
these are particularly important when men have pain in multiple spots when men have pain in one spot they can undergo external beam radiation that's that's firing radiation at one
particular spot in one particular bone and that can be exceedingly effective in reducing pain
but when the pain is from metastasis or spread of prostate cancer two bones that are all over
the place and this certainly happens with men with advanced prostate cancer it would be
almost impossible to aim radiation at the left rib and then the right shoulder and the left
pelvis and all of these different places at once it's just not possible when we use radio
pharmaceuticals which are medicines that are infused through a vein that are radioactive they
go into areas of the bone where bone Mets are hiding and harboring and so they go to every
single place where there is cancer in the bone and once there they release radioactive particles
by undergoing radioactive decay we say but it's basically a little smart bomb that's given off
right in the area where the bone isn't is being plagued by the prostate cancer when this
happens it can reduce pain in all of these different areas of the body which is really really
wonderful for men who are suffering from diffuse pain or pain all over from their prostate
cancer options for this include strontium Maryam and newly radium 223 also called Sophie go
the benefit of radium 223 or Sophie go is that it not only reduces pain but it also prolongs life
which is incredibly important obviously particularly in men with fans prostate cancer so Figo
is really really well tolerated it doesn't have a lot of side effects it's given once a month and
men who are too frail or too sick to get things like chemotherapy can even can still get
treatment with Sophie ko and so it's very valuable to that population particularly and like I
said it does prolong life and so we are really excited to have this treatment option available
for men so the the radiopharmaceutical options are predominantly to reduce pain and Sophie
go can also prolong life and it does stipulate that it should be men with only metastatic symptomatic disease in their bones you. See also about What are The Types of Blood Cancer
bone cancer types list, types of bone cancer, types of bone marrow cancer, bone cancer stages, bone cancer pictures, bone cancer treatment, bone cancer symptoms, bone cancer causes