Types of Bone Cancer Myeloma
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
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types of bone cancer myeloma via en.wikipedia.org |
Hello my name is Raja Kumar I am a professor of medicine at Mayo Clinic I am part of the myeloma team here at the clinic who takes care of patients with multiple myeloma and
related diseases so multiple myeloma is a cancer of a certain type of white blood cells now we
all have several different types of white blood cells the common function of white blood cells
is to try and attack the various infectious organisms that can invade the body now the
particular type of white cell white cells that are responsible for multiple myeloma are called
plasma cells become the function of plasma cells is to make proteins called antibodies which
helps our body fight infections the reason why patients develop multiple myeloma is not well
known at this time however we have learned a lot about this particular cancer and we realize
that multiple myeloma is probably not a single type of cancer but a collection of different
types of cancers all of which affect the plasma cells so the triggers that makes the plasma cell cancerous may be different particularly the genetic abnormality that initiates the
development of cancer may be different in the different types of myelomas given the changes
that have happened in this disease in the past decade it is important that patients with
multiple myeloma see a specialist who deals with this disease more often it is not necessary
that all the treatments have to be done by a specialist but it is good to have a specialist at
least take a look at the characteristics of the disease and formulate a treatment plan that
which can be then carried out in collaboration with the primary hematologist who in most of
the time would be much closer for the patient and logistically easier there's approximately
20,000 patients diagnosed in this country each year with this particular cancer patients with
multiple myeloma are living a lot longer than what they used to 10 or 15 years ago in fact
the survival of patients with myeloma have more than tripled in the past ten years now there
are several reasons for this we are using autologous stem cell transplantation for treating
multiple myeloma much more uniformly in addition to that and probably more important
than that there are several new medications that have been introduced for treatment of
patients with multiple myeloma now what has happened in this disease is a combination of
the introduction of new therapies as well as a better understanding of the biology of this
disease we have a better understanding of which patients are likely to do well with this
diagnosis and which patients need particular attention because their myeloma is aggressive to
this extent we have identified several genetic abnormalities that can be seen in the multiple
myeloma cells which helps us to identify those patients ahead of time right at the time of
diagnosis now these particular type patients need a special attention especially in terms of the
type of treatments we would like to use we have developed very detailed treatment strategies
for patients with multiple myeloma based on the particular risk category that we put those
patients in based on the genetic abnormalities that we can find some of this information is
available on the web at the website M smart dot o-r-g this particular website has lot of
treatment details which we as a team continuously review and continue to update based on
information as and when they become available the treatment options in multiple myeloma
as I mentioned have significantly changed what has changed is the introduction of two very
effective class of medications one of them here is called protease on inhibitors and the first
medication in that group of medications was a drug called bortezomib or Velcade the other
class of medications that have been introduced are what we call the amino modulate ray drugs
and the second class of drug have all been derived from a medication called thalidomide now
the thalidomide was something that has been around for a long time but it's used in myeloma
was only discovered about ten or twelve years ago now the both these classes of drugs are very
effective in treating multiple myeloma and we use them either alone or in combination with
other drugs in both in patients with myeloma that have recently been diagnosed asuras in
myeloma that have relapsed after prior treatments now all these medications do come with
some side effects but overall these medications are reasonably well tolerated so compared to
ten 12 years ago when autologous stem cell transplantation and a particular drug called mal
felon were the mainstays of treatment for multiple myeloma today we have a huge
armamentarium of drugs that can be used for treating this disease now this includes the drugs
that I just mentioned as well as two other drugs which were recently approved for treatment
of multiple myeloma the first drug is called car fills a map or Cabrales and this belongs to the
class of medications called protease inhibitors which are similar to the bortezomib or Velcade
the second drug that was approved recently is called pomalidomide or pomalyst which belongs
to the group of immunomodulatory drugs and both these drugs have been shown to be quite
effective in treating myeloma that have relapsed after previous therapies now in addition to
this there are several other clinical trials that are ongoing which are evaluating a whole host
of very exciting drugs not only are these new drugs belonging to the same class of drugs that
we have been using all these years but we also have several drugs that bill two totally different
class of drugs now this is a very important point multiple myeloma cells eventually become
resistant to the different therapies that we use none of the therapies that we used today in the clinic are curative that means this myeloma will eventually come back and these cells will
eventually become processing with the medications that we are using currently so it is very
important that we continue to develop new drugs especially drugs that work through different
mechanisms so that they can overcome the resistance mechanisms that these myeloma cells
have developed while they are being exposed to these currently available drugs again going
back to the point of being seen by a specialist also import is important from the point of view
of having access to new clinical trials now if Center like Mayo Clinic which specializes in rarer types of cancers especially cancers like multiple myeloma we have clinical trials with several
of these new drugs available for use in in patients who have relapsed after the currently
available treatments even if patients are not eligible for going on a clinical trial there is a
second opinion will allow the patient to get the opportunity to consider alternative treatment
regiments that may not have been considered or combination of therapies that have
previously been treated which could still be of benefit even though the patients have stopped
responding to one or other of these individual drugs we will have access to new drugs through
clinical trials for treating patients with multiple myeloma we will also have increasing numbers
of tools available in the clinic to get a better sense of which patients are going to do better it
is important continue with our con going research in this disease so as we can continue to
identify why some patients with multiple myeloma do not do well so that we can develop new
strategies for treating these patients to this end we have a large amount of research that is
ongoing at Mayo Clinic where we study how patients have done so far we obtained blood and
bone marrow samples from patients with multiple myeloma various changes of their disease to
better understand why patients develop multiple myeloma in the first place but also why
multiple myeloma becomes resistant to therapies and devise new ways of treating this
particular disease it's specifically going into the various treatment options that we have we
take particular pride in trying to understand how new drugs may develop in make help patients
with multiple myeloma by looking at these new drugs in the laboratory against myeloma cell
lines as well as patient myeloma cells now those drugs that we find find to be very promising
in the laboratory we try to take them forward into clinical trials both small clinical trials are
specifically looking at various stages of the disease that we do at the in the clinic but also
large-scale clinical trials where we are comparing these new therapies against all the therapies
now clearly these large trails cannot be done in one institution so we partner with other
institutions as well as take part in large cooperative groups where these large trials can be done
by enrolling large number of patients and answering critical questions as to what drugs hold
promise for the future so clearly the eve the paradigm has changed patients with myeloma
living longer there are more treatment options and it's continuing to improve and I am sure
the day were multiple myeloma becomes a chronic disease is in too far away and hopefully the
the time where we can say that we will be able to cure this disease should shortly follow thereafter. Next Rare Type of Bone Cancer: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment
multiple myeloma causes, multiple myeloma prognosis, multiple myeloma diagnosis, multiple myeloma stages, multiple myeloma treatment, multiple myeloma life expectancy, multiple myeloma symptoms, is multiple myeloma hereditary
source: youtube.com