Cancer Prevention & Treatment : Types of Cancer Treatments

type of cancer treatment
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Hi I'm dr. Kenneth Fink I'm a medical oncologist at Zimmer Cancer Center at New Hanover Regional Medical Center in Wilmington North Carolina there are different types of cancer treatments

and patients often come wondering how how we're going to put those all together quite often

when we have a patient with cancer we'll actually have a pretty large meeting between all the

different types of doctors and caretakers for example the medical oncologist such as myself may get together with the radiation oncologists the surgical oncologists and talk with the

pathologist and the radiologists and really go over the cases in great detail and this is called a

tumor board when a tumor board meets we tend to talk about patients that are just being

diagnosed with cancer and try to come up with the different treatments the usual order of

things is to first find the cancer and if possible have it removed surgically so if a cancer is

confined to one particular area of the body let's say the lung or the breast or the colon and we

do tests and find out that the cancer has not spread in many places a surgeon will definitely be getting involved and try to remove the cancer once that's done we'll have a more a greater

character characterization of the cancer and be able to tell whether we need more treatments

additional treatments that can be given after surgery might include radiation therapy so for

example if the surgeon couldn't quite get it all or the the cancer who had spread a little bit

outside of the site where he could remove it radiation could be incorporated and tried to try to

 sterilize the cancer if there's still some chances that the cancer has perhaps spread elsewhere or indeed we find out that the cancer has spread outside of the original site then we'll get

chemotherapy involved these are drugs they tend to be a bit a bit like poisons in the sense

that they can kill cancer cells they tend to cause some side effects for patients but we've

improved that side effect to profile quite a bit and the drugs have gotten much better as well

there are other many other forms of treatments of cancer the radiologists have gotten

involved and can put probes into cancers and try to heat them up and destroy them that way

or even freeze them and there are many new therapies going on in radiation with with many

new techniques so I'd say that the treatment the various types of treatment in cancer have gotten quite diverse and every case has to be looked at individually. Nexts What Type of Cancer is Leukemia?

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