Different Type of Lung Cancer

different type of lung cancer
different lung cancer via icnet.uk

There are several different types of lung cancer and to determine the type of patient has cancer cells need to be taken from either fluid around the lungs or from a lung tissue sample

known as a biopsy or from a sputum sample and then this sample is taken back to the lab

where the cells are looked at under a microscope and the diagnosis is made based on some

characteristics of the cell there are two main categories of lung cancer one being small cell

lung cancer and the other non small cell lung cancer and maybe you can already tell that these

two main categories have to do with the actual size of the cell so for a small cell lung cancer

this is a tiny cell so I like to think of it as a baby cell and the baby doesn't have much distance from its head to its toes right well a small cell then doesn't have much distance from one side

to the other and that means its nucleus and cell wall are close to each other also like a baby

this particular type of cell is not fully developed small cell lung cancer typically occurs in

females so let me draw her here with a pink bow and give her a cigarette because this occurs in

 females with a long history of sm0king a thing to keep in mind about this type of lung cancer is that it divides quickly and spreads rapidly throughout the body in fact by the time it's

diagnosed it's usually in numerous locations in the body the way I remember this is that a small

 cell lung cancer is associated with heavy sm0king so let me draw this female with some extra

 cigarettes so if she's rapidly sm0king she is a greater risk of developing the rapidly dividing

and rapidly spreading type of lung cancer and this accounts for about 15% of all lung cancers

but what about the other 85% 85% of the time it's a non small so lung cancer diagnosis now

these are big mature cells and there's lots of mature cells in the respiratory tract

 so this category has subcategories depending on which type of mature cell has become

cancerous so here I'm going to draw a big cell lots of distance from the nucleus to the cell wall

 and this mature cell has the function of secreting musin so let me write that here newsn is

for keeping the lungs moist if this cell becomes cancerous it's called in adeno carcinoma and

no meaning coming from a gland and glands produce music and this occurs 40 percent of the time in all non-small-cell lung cancers and this is going to affect women so again here's my

bow but I'm not going to include a cigarette this time because it actually affects both sm0kers

 and non-smokers for this next subcategory I need to draw two cells and they're still large but

they're a little flatter this time and they're kind of stapled together by these proteins that

make up a Desna zone and it helps the cells create a barrier between the Airways and the rest of the body keratin is also in this cells this is a lot like the keratin you find in our hair and

serves a protective function if these cells become cancerous it's called a squamous cell

carcinoma and this occurs about 30% of the time and in males this time so let me give them a blue hat males who have a history of sm0king and of all the non-small-cell lung cancers this

one has the greatest link to sm0king okay let's move the skin canvas up and talk about

another sub - here's a nice large round cell and actually it doesn't have much more defining

characteristics than that so it's simply called a large cell carcinoma and it occurs in male

sm0kers oh I almost forgot large cell carcinomas occur in 10% of all non small cell lung

cancers so finally there's this flask shaped cell that has at its base here some nerves and when

it receives signals from these nerves it releases hormones so if one of these cells becomes

cancerous the cancer is called a carcinoid this happens about 5% of the time interestingly

males and females have an equal risk of developing carcinoid cancers and there's really no direct link to sm0king so now I hope you can see that there's many different types of lung

cancers and it's important to know what type a patient has because it affects things like treatment options and prognosis. Next Type of surgery performed on lung cancer patients

what are the four types of lung cancer, types of lung cancer and survival rates, types of small cell lung cancer, lung cancer treatment, lung cancer symptoms, lung cancer pictures,  adenocarcinoma lung cancer, what is the most aggressive form of lung cancer?
source: youtube.com

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